Allison Family

The Allison family believes everything is more fun with music: bath time, cooking, cleaning, gardening, exercise, even bedtime. They are regulars at the Kennedy Center having seen most musicals and attending National Symphony Orchestra rehearsals throughout the year. They collect and fix-up antique instruments, recently acquiring a bandoneon, similar to an accordion.
Rich (dad) played the trombone through college traveling overseas for competitions.
Stephanie (mom) was in choir and still loves singing, "loudly" as the kids would attest.
Mariella (12) tried her hand at the violin, but found her musical soulmate in the clarinet. Mr. Furry has advanced her understanding of music theory and technique, facilitating her success in the Fairfax area honor band.
Dexter (9) enjoys learning rock-n-roll songs on the guitar and has had so much fun with John that he recently started taking piano lessons with him as well.
Lyla and Taggart (7) - The twins took joint piano lessons so they could be together. Lyla has taken a hiatus to pursue karate, but Taggart keeps trucking along with wonderful Ms. Nina, making great strides in his music reading and confidence.
Sarafina (5) spent last year learning the violin with her patient instructor who made learning fun and easy. She recently switched over to piano lessons with Ms. Tonya and can't wait to learn and play games with her each week.
The family will pursue their love of music and learning over the summer through weekly lessons at Potomac Music, local music festivals, family jams and at home dance parties!
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